Course Overview
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German for Beginners 1.1
German A1 21 Lessons approx. 950 ExercisesGerman for Beginners: Absolute beginners can learn everyday German step by step.
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German for Beginners 1.2
German A1 20 Lessons approx. 1400 ExercisesIncrease your vocabulary and practice grammatical structures with part two of the beginners course.
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German Grammar A1
German A1 18 Lessons approx. 900 ExercisesLearn and practice grammatical structures with this basic grammar course for beginners.
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German for Upper Beginners 2.1
German A2 18 Lessons approx. 1300 ExercisesLearn German online with LinguaTV: this language course prepares you for everyday situations in German.
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German for Upper Beginners 2.2
German A2 18 Lessons approx. 1400 ExercisesImprove your German with original videos, grammatic tutorials and many exercises.
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German Grammar A2
German A2 16 Lessons approx. 800 ExercisesGrammar made easy: Practice german grammar on the level A2 for advanced beginners.
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German for the Intermediate 3.1
German B1 20 Lessons approx. 1500 ExercisesLearn through various videos and vivid grammar tutorials about everyday German life and increase your vocabulary.
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German for the Intermediate 3.2
German B1 16 Lessons approx. 1200 ExercisesFurther your understanding of German with the help of authentic videos and expand your vocabulary and grammar with games.
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German Grammar B1
German B1 16 Lessons approx. 800 ExercisesGrammar can be exciting, too! Expand your German Grammar Competencies in this course and get to know new and interesting grammatical phenomena.
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German - Advanced Intermediate 4.1
German B2 18 Lessons approx. 900 ExercisesBring your knowledge of German to a new level. Consolidate and expand your vocabulary and understanding of grammar with this entertaining video-course.
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German - Advanced Intermediate 4.2
German B2 17 Lessons approx. 850 ExercisesComplete the B2 level and be sure and skillful in all areas of the German language.
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German Grammar B2
German B2 16 Lessons approx. 800 ExercisesUse this course to bring your knowledge about German grammar to an advanced level and feel confident in using grammatical structures.
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German for Advanced 5
German C1 22 Lessons approx. 1100 ExercisesBring your knowledge of the german language to perfection and learn more about history and culture of the german-speaking area.
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German Pronunciation
German A2-B1 10 Lessons approx. 500 ExercisesLearn German phonetics and improve your pronunciation along with your listening comprehension by means of our useful tips and tricks.
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Business German
German B1-B2 30 Lessons approx. 1000 ExercisesPractice your Business German for your everyday working life with authentic conversations and interactive exercises!
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Vocabulary trainer: German for Logistics
German A2 12 Lessons approx. 600 ExercisesImprove communication with your customers and colleagues and expand your German vocabulary for logistics.
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Vocabulary trainer: German for Commercial Cleaning Services
German A2-B1 5 Lessons approx. ca. 500 ExercisesImprove communication with your customers and colleagues and expand your German vocabulary for commercial cleaning services.
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Vocabulary trainer: German for Franchise Catering
German A2-B1 3 Lessons approx. ca. 300 ExercisesImprove communication with your customers and colleagues and expand your German vocabulary for franchise catering.
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Vocabulary Trainer: German for Automobile Mechatronic Engineers
German B1 6 Lessons approx. 600 ExercisesImprove communication with your customers and colleagues and expand your German vocabulary for Automobile Mechatronic Engineering.
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Vokabeltrainer: Deutsch für Medizin und Pflege
German B1-B2 9 Lessons approx. 600 ExercisesVerbessern Sie die Kommunikation mit Ihren Kunden und Kollegen und erweitern Sie Ihren deutschen Wortschatz im Bereich Medizin und Pflege.
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Vocabulary trainer: German for Hotel & Tourism
German B1-B2 20 Lessons approx. ca. 1330 ExercisesCommunicate with guests more easily and improve your prefessional jargon in the field of hotel and tourism.
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Vocabulary Trainer: German for Food Production
German B1-B2 11 Lessons approx. 500 ExercisesImprove communication with your customers and colleagues and expand your German vocabulary in the field of food production.