FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the frequently asked questions. Please select an area. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please write us an e-mail to info@linguatv.com or contact us via our contact form.What is LinguaTV?
LinguaTV is an online video training platform for foreign languages. Our platform offers an innovative, quick and efficient way to learn or brush up your skills in the language of your choice through professionally produced videos and interactive educational games. More information about LinguaTV can be found here.
What makes LinguaTV different?
LinguaTV offers over 1,000 authentic videos and over 30,000 interactive exercises in five languages which are graded in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). The videos contain authentic conversations and context-based vocabulary. Not everyone has the opportunity to travel to the respective country in order to learn a language. LinguaTV brings with its entertaining videos the language and culture to your home. You can see all of the functionalities of the platform with the LinguTV Tour. Irrespective of whether you are learning a language for business purposes or for travel, LinguaTV offers you a wide range of interesting and high quality content.

What can I learn at LinguaTV?
You can learn and practice important target vocabulary, expressions and grammar rules with our LinguaTV courses. You can practice the language you need for a trip, train target language for specific tasks at work, or for many other activities. The following skills can be trained with LinguaTV: Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, Reading, Listening, confident Speaking as well as the knowledge of how and when to use expressions and words correctly.
Who is LinguaTV for?
LinguaTV offers a variety of courses for different levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert) and is ideal for those who wish to learn in a swift, efficient, and entertaining way. Our comprehensive offer suits learners looking for an easy and quick introduction to a new language, as much as those looking to broaden their knowledge of specific topics. Everyone will find material to suit their needs and tastes, while also helping improve their vocabulary, grammar, listening and pronunciation skills.
How can LinguaTV specifically help beginners?
Videos with authentic communication situations are helpful for all levels. Beginners in particular can make very rapid progress with the videos, since they absorb educational content using different senses. Each lesson's vocabulary is made clear within the context of the video and it is also possible to read the dialogue in subtitles. Studies have shown that subtitled videos can be very helpful to the learning process. We recommend watching the videos first without subtitles, then with subtitles, and then again without them. Learners benefit from the "power of the moving image", by watching the mouth of a native speaker, and seeing how indivudals interact linguistically in authentic situations. In this way you learn incidental cultural particularities, such as facial expressions and gestures and thus, much more is conveyed by video than what is spoken. In the moving image many nonverbal aspects of a country's culture are often revealed, which is an important part of language learning.
Who has designed, edited and checked the learning material?
All LinguaTV learning material is conceived by an experienced team of language trainers and media instructors. Foreign language tutors design exercises and content. All learning material is always proofread and optimised before publication.
Where can I get an overview of all the content?
Click on the Hamburger menu icon. Find and select the category «Course overview». All course information can be found on this page, as well as sample lessons.
Can LinguaTV's videos be shown in schools and universities, and the platform be used as supplementary material in class?
Yes, registered teachers may show LinguaTV videos to their students in class. To use and learn with the platform in the most optimal and meaningful way, each learner should have individual access to their account. This allows each student to have a detailed report of their progress and accumulated points. We have a wealth of information and helpful tips available for the use of LinguaTV in classrooms. Please get in touch with us here to obtain this material.
What are the benefits of registration?
When you register for free on LinguaTV, you have access to various free content. As a registered user, you can see for yourself the high quality of our content, try our learning method and the functions of the platform. This free LinguaTV membership is perfect for anyone who wants to test LinguaTV in a non-binding way.
Are there any costs connected to registration at LinguaTV?
No! Your registration at LinguaTV.com is free of charge. You won’t enter into any financial commitments.
Do I automatically become a paying user if I register at LinguaTV?
No. There is no automatic transition from the free registration to a paid contract. The process of signing up for paid courses is never done secretly or without clear and obvious notification to the user.
I'm having problems with the registration. What could be the reason for that?
Have you entered all the necessary registration data and accepted the terms and conditions and privacy policy (the fields marked in red)?
If you haven’t received our confirmation link via email after submitting the form, please check your folder for unwanted emails (SPAM). Our email may have landed there by mistake. If you don't find any e-mail from us, please contact us using the contact form.

I forgot my password. What can I do?
You will find on the startpage at LinguaTV below "Login" the question "Forgot password". Click on it and enter the email address with which you are registered at LinguaTV. You get your password immediately sent to this address.
Where can I order a new course?
At "Language Training" you will always find a current overview of all courses offered. There you can click on "prices" and choose the course duration and the associated payment model. Then simply follow the instructions.
Where can I find the course I've ordered?
At "My Courses" you will find all activated or already completed courses.
How can I prolong the duration of my language course?
At "My Courses" you will find as usual the list of your personal language courses. If one of your courses expired, the license status is marked with a red cross. Click at this course simply "extend" and follow the instructions. After the extension, you immediately have access to the course. Your learning progress is preserved!
In which cases applies the money-back guarantee?
The money-back guarantee is valid without restrictions and conditions for 28 days. If the product should not meet your expectations, you can terminate the contract by means of a simple email message using the contact form within 28 days of your purchase. We will send you confirmation and pay back the full purchase price.
How and when can I cancel LinguaTV?
You can cancel at any time by simply sending an e-mail to info@LinguaTV.com. The termination will become effective at the end of the current accounting period. We will acknowledge receipt of the cancellation notice within three working days.
What happens to my data?
The privacy of your personal information is very important to us. Within the scope of LinguaTV services, we will receive, process and use your personal information in strict accordance with German and European data privacy laws. For further information about our privacy policy please click here.
What is the privacy policy of LinguaTV?
The data protection provisions of LinguaTV can be viewed here or downloaded as a PDF.
What terms and conditions apply to the use of LinguaTV?
The terms and conditions of LinguaTV can be viewed here or downloaded as a PDF.
I have a license key. Where do I enter it?
To redeem your license key, you must first register on LinguaTV.com. Our registration form is available on our homepage at "Register Now". Once you've registered and logged in, you will see a box where you can enter the license key at "My Courses".

I have a coupon code. Where do I enter it?
If you have a LinguaTV coupon code, you receive with it a discount on the regular course price. The coupon code can be entered during the registration process in a designated field in the registration form. It could be that the code is assigned to a specific course.If so, you can only use it when purchasing this particular course.
What is a license key?
With a license key you will have access to a course that has already been purchased. After entering the license key a certain course will be activated automatically.
The confirmation link doesn't work. What is the problem?
"Depending on which email program you use locally on your computer, it is possible that your confirmation link contains unwanted spaces. To circumvent this, highlight the entire link and paste it manually into the address bar of your browser. There you can see any space, and manually delete before sending out the link by pressing the return key.
If (after clicking on your confirmation link in the browser) you receive the message that your link has been confirmed already, you have probably clicked on it once before. This simply means your account is already active and that from now on you can always go directly to www.linguatv.com and on the left in the ""Login"" box you can log in with your e-mail address and the password you chose when you registered.
What is the learning method of LinguaTV?
What makes learning wtih LinguaTV unique is its audio-visual method. From the moment you dive into the new language it is like a journey into the land itself. You immediately see and hear how native speakers use the language. The learning experience comes to you simultaneously through several senses and in an appropriate context. This method helps you absorb the content faster and more effectively. Many people underestimate the importance of regular listening to a language they are trying to learn. Listening is important for listening comprehension, expansion of vocabulary and in particular as a means to improve the pronunciation. When children learn a language, the first things they do is listen. We took this natural learning behavior into account when developing LinguaTV. Learners from all over the world have been learning successfully for decades using the audio-visual method.
Proper motivation is also an important factor for language learning to be successful. With LinguaTV you learn in a fun and motivating way. With every correctly solved exercise and learning game you collect points and you can regularly check your learning progress .
How supports LinguaTV the learning of a foreign language?
The professionally produced videos demonstrate how native speakers use the language in authentic situations. With realistic dialogues you will learn both target specific and practice-oriented vocabulary and pronunciation. A variety of exercises are provided for you to practice and review the video content and aide you in remembering it.
What is the composition of a lesson?
Level 1 - Video: The video material is the center of each lesson. We offer subtitles and a transcript of the dialogue for better comprehension, which can be hidden (depending on the learning level) to test your listening skills.
You'll also find a download area, which contains additional learning material.
Level 2 - Exercises: There are a variety of fun exercises available which match the scene's vocabulary and allow you a chance to test your newly acquired knowledge and deepen it.
Level 3 - Tutorial: Get more background information or additional information about the video dialogue.
Which kind of exercises are available with LinguaTV?
LinguaTV offers a wide variety of exercises in which you can practise vocabulary and expressions, grammar, spelling and listening skills. LinguaTV places a high value on a varied programme of different kinds of exercises so that language learning remains fun and therefore more effective.
Do I need to complete the exercises in a certain order?
No, there is no specific order to them. All exercises connected to a video scene can be completed independently from each other, in any order, and as often as you desire.
How many times can I watch a video and do an exercise?
Within the duration of the course, you can do an exercize as often as you want. The more often you complete an exercise, the more activity points you earn. With each attempt, you will also have the opportunity to improve your learning level, until you have achieved the full percentage in each skill area.
What does the information A1-A2, A2-B1 etc. mean?
This information describes the level of each course. The diffent levels are defined by the "Common European Framework of Reference for learning Languages of the Council of Europe. The European Framework is a guideline for teachers and learners to make language acquisition, knowledge application and competencies internationally comparable.
The levels correspond to the following definition:
A - Basic User (A1 and A2 -> Beginners)
B - Independent user (B1 and B2 -> Advanced)
C - Proficient user (C1: advanced level of competence, C2: nearly native fluency)
You can download the detailed definition of all levels here.
How does the learning progress system work?
Your total learning progress within a course is monitored by our system. Your progress is divided into the relevant language learning skill areas: Reading, listening, vocabulary, grammar and writing. For any exercise you successfully complete within a course, you earn points in two of these skill areas. Unlike how it is with the activity points, here you can only collect points once. The learning progress system provides an overview of what skills you may need to practice, and indicates whether you passed all the exercises with a full score. The progress bar below each exercise (in the exercise overview) also gives you a hint of which exercises you have completed so far.
What are activity points?
For each exercise you complete successfully, you will earn points. You will see your score at the end of the exercise. The activity points are simply the sum of points you have achieved in all the exercises together so far (including course-wide). Even if you have already achieved a perfect score in an exercise once, you can repeat this exercise as often as you like and collect more points with every attempt. As the name implies, the activity points allow you to measure your overall activity on the platform.
Can I download the content?
Partly. Basically, the LinguaTV program is only available online . So you need to log in on our platform to view the videos and do the exercises. Because only then can you take full advantage of the platform and its different functions.
LinguaTV also provides some download material. In each lesson below the transcript you will find a download area with the transcript of the video in PDF format for downloading and printing. In addition, there are some lessons with downloadable audio files that you can easily listen to through your computer or MP3 player. The videos themselves are not downloadable.
What are activity points?
For each exercise you complete successfully, you will earn points. You will see your score at the end of the exercise. The activity points are simply the sum of points you have achieved in all the exercises together so far (including course-wide). Even if you have already achieved a perfect score in an exercise once, you can repeat this exercise as often as you like and collect more points with every attempt. As the name implies, the activity points allow you to measure your overall activity on the platform.
Can I download the content?
"Partly. Basically, the LinguaTV program is only available online . So you need to log in on our platform to view the videos and do the exercises. Because only then can you take full advantage of the platform and its different functions. LinguaTV also provides some download material. In each lesson below the transcript you will find a download area with the transcript of the video in PDF format for downloading and printing. In addition, there are some lessons with downloadable audio files that you can easily listen to through your computer or MP3 player. The videos themselves are not downloadable.
How do I sign up for LinguaTV?
Registration at LinguaTV is easy and takes only a few minutes.
Click on the "Register Now" button and fill out the registration form. Your data transfer is of course via a secure SSL connection. Before you finalize the registration process through clicking again on the "Register Now" button, you must accept the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
My login does not work. What can I do?
Please check that you have taken into account the case-sensitivity and make sure that the caps lock key is not pressed. If your login still does not work, go to the LinguaTV home page. There you will see below "Login" the question "Forgot password". Click on it and enter the e-mail address you used to register on LinguaTV. Your password will immediately be sent to this address.
Is my computer able to play LinguaTV videos?
To find out, we recommend you simply to start a trial lesson. If you don't have any trouble with the trial, you should be able to use the entire platform wihtout problem. Most modern Windows, Mac or Linux computers will be able to play the LinguaTV videos.
How does the LinguaTV player work?
As with any player you can stop and pause the video or put it in full screen mode. In addition to that, the LinguaTV player offers you subtitles in the language you are learning for a better understanding that you can have displayed or hidden at any time. Another feature of the LinguaTV player are the "jump-to" prompts. If you click on the orange arrows in the transcript, you can jump directly to any particular sentence or part of sentence and repeat the material as many times as you want. Also the arrows to the right and left of the play button also have this function.
My subtitles are not shown completely. What should I do?
To see the subtitles in the lessons completely, you can simply press the F11 key on your keyboard. This turns your browser's view to the full-screen mode and you can now read everything.
Where is the download area?
The download area where you can find additional materials of the lesson is positioned below the transcript. It opens with a simple click on this area. To download please follow the instructions of your browser.
How can I change the portal language?
The button to switch the portal language is located in the top right navigation bar. You can press it at any time, unless you are currently in a lesson.
I've discovered an error. What should I do?
This may happen! Write to us at support@linguatv.com. Let us know as precisely as possible where you found the error (eg name of the lesson, the video of the exercise). We will then fix it as soon as possible.
I have technical problems. What should I do?
Should you have trouble viewing the videos, please send us a message at support@linguatv.com or contact us via the contact form. Please let us know what kind of computer and browser you use, its data transmission rate, and send us a short explanation of the problem. If the problem affects only a specific exercise or lesson, please send us the name of the lesson, the video or the exercise.
What are the system requirements for LinguaTV and the video player?
For LinguaTV you need a multimedia-enabled personal computer or laptop (with speakers and/or headphones), an Internet browser and a good internet connection. We recommend a broadband connection (from DSL). No further installation or software is needed since all of the functions on LinguaTV are browser based.
Which browsers are suitable and which requirements must be met?
For LinguaTV you need a multimedia-enabled personal computer, laptop or tablet and one of the following browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox: from Version 50
- Internet Explorer: from Version 11
- Chrome: from Version 55
- Safari: from Version 10.0.2
We recommend Mozilla Firefox and would also suggest that you should update your browser regularly.
Important Information:
It is possible that LinguaTV may not work properly on your Android smartphone or tablet as there is no single Android system, only manufacturer-specific variants which will not be updated. We recommend that you use Chrome for Mobile and test a free demo lesson before making a purchase.
To continue further, at least iOS6 is required on iPad to be able to scroll properly and thus be able to use all content.
How much do the LinguaTV courses cost?
The cost depends on which course you choose and how long you sign up for the course. The longer the course duration, the lower the average monthly cost. Price details are available at any time by clicking on "book New Course" in the product overview under "Language Training".
Does LinguaTV provide any free content?
The registration on LinguaTV is free. Under "demo-lessons" you'll find a variety of free lessons availalbe which offer you a chance to sample the different courses. Take your time and make yourself familiar with the platform and test their functions. To access a complete course and to use the efficient learning success control system you have to sign up for a course. Price details are available at any time in the product overview "Language Training".
What payment methods are available on LinguaTV?
You can pay for each product by credit card, direct debit, PayPal, bank transfer and via Moneybookers and Wallie. With these payment methods you can pay securely and easily, and get immediate access to the courses you want.