Online Language Courses for Companies


Since 2006, companies have been relying on LinguaTV’s customized solutions for the language training of their employees:

Deutsche Post

Allianz SE

für Arbeit





and many more


The customized language learning platform for your company

Unique concept: Proven and award-winning!

Learning languages with LinguaTV is fun and has been proven to ensure rapid learning success. Our digital language learning platform offers tailor-made solutions for companies of all sizes and industries, from scalable self-study courses via app or browser to virtual classrooms or even individual coaching. You can look forward to exciting learning content, practical learning management functions and a tailor-made solution that fits perfectly into the learning environment and everyday life of your employees and meets all the requirements of your internal stakeholders!

What our clients say about LinguaTV

...has proven its worth...
Thomas Schneider
Chief Human Resources Officer Post
DHL Group
a great alternative to traditional language schools.
Telekom Training
Deutsche Telekom AG
...convincing in terms of methodology, didactics and content.
Learning Manager
Language Training
Allianz SE
...really good and well thought-out...
OSARAM AG important building block in professional qualification...
Head of Labor Market Services
TÜV Rheinland Academy
I look forward to English lessons every week!
Allianz SE
...had very good experiences with LinguaTV...
Senior Director of Quality
...successful, practical language training.
Shift worker
...teaches important English language skills very efficiently...
Director of Human Resources
InterContinental Hotel
Here you can see that LinguaTV has its origins in business language courses.
Christian Roth
Thanks to LinguaTV, I have much more confidence to start a conversation without fear.
Sabine M.
The modularity and flexibility of the video lessons are particularly noteworthy.
Head of Human Resources
GHOTEL hotel

Awarded by renowned expert committees

Časopis eLearning je opsežno testirao jezičku obuku LinguaTV-a i dao mu je najveću ocenu „ODLIČAN“ (skor: 92).
The Mobile Language Learning Solution for Parcel Delivery Staff at Deutsche Post DHL by LinguaTV, has been awarded a Gold ribbon in the Mobile Learning Experience category of the 2023 International E-Learning Awards, given by the International E-Learning Association!
Allianz SE uses LinguaTV's blended learning solution for its corporate language training. The successful collaboration was honored with the eLearning AWARD 2023.
LinguaTV i Grupa nemačke pošte DHL razvili su digitalnu obuku jezika za kurire u sektoru pošte i paketa u Nemačkoj. Uspešna saradnja nagrađena je Nagradom za eLearning 2022.
LinguaTV je nominovan kao finalista za Nagradu za izvrsnost u učenju 2022. u kategoriji mobilnog učenja.
Stručnjaci iz EdTech Digesta proglasili su aplikaciju LinguaTV pobednikom EdTech nagrade 2020.
Zajedno sa firmom Gegenbauer, LinguaTV je razvio inovativno rešenje koje omogućava efikasnu obuku jezika čak i pod teškim okolnostima. Projekat je nagrađen eLearning nagradom 2020.
LinguaTV je bio pobednik i jedini nemački dobitnik nagrade Svetskog samita u kategoriji „e-učenje i obrazovanje“ UNESCO-a, UNIDO-a i Internet društva. Nagrađuje se svetski e-sadržaj i ponude e-usluga.
Kurs LinguaTV-a „Poslovni engleski“ nominovan je od strane Britanskog saveta za renomiranu „Eltonovu međunarodnu nagradu“. Prepoznatljivi su novi, inovativni i korisni proizvodi i usluge za nastavu engleskog jezika.
„Specijalni didaktički i medijski kvalitet“ potvrđuje pečat Comenius EduMedia, koji od 1995. svake godine dodeljuje Društvo za obrazovanje i informisanje r.u. (GPI).
Inicijativa provajdera srednjih veličina od 2004. godine dodeljuje nagradu za IT inovacije dobavljačima, koji pružaju posebno inovativna rešenja, koja su od velike koristi za srednju klasu. Online kursevi jezika i mobilne aplikacije LinguaTV-a bili su ubedljivi u kategorijama „eLearning“ i „Aplikacije“.
LinguaTV i McDonald’s daju na raspolaganje (2015) 20 000 kurseva jezika za izbeglice, koje Zavod za zapošljavanje distribuira direktno izbeglicama u centrima za zapošljavanje.
Erforschung eines innovativen Ansatzes des multimedialen Sprachtrainings; insbesondere die Verbesserung der Aussprache auf Basis einer neuen Art der Sprachverifikation und die Entwicklung eines interaktiven, dialogbasierten Rollenspiels.